Ok so as i was putting all of this away i felt as if i had lost my mind! But man did i score tonight
I am way to wiped out to spell it all out, but wanted to share the pics and the bottom line-
When i say self cost, i mean before ad deals, before coupons.
Albertsons- shelf cost $171.27 paid $21.89
- TONS of quaker, all detergent, grape juice, popcorn
Safeway shelf cost $23.73 paid $6.77
-ragu, paper towels (missing in pic), downy, eggs
Freds shelf cost $48.94 paid $12.93
- Kraft Cheese, bandaids, tide sample, 2 gal milk, 1/2 gal choc milk, Butter
Total for all paid $41.59 for $243.94 of groceries!
Holy Guacamole!! GReAT Finds Krissy! Ill call you later this morning, Ill be hitting up Tom Thumb and Target today we are in need of Groceries big time!! Thanks